Kumpulan Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 2 3 4 5 dan 6 SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
1. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 1 (Satu) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 15
Jumlah Soal Uraian : -
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. we walk using ... (kaki)
a. foot
b. hand
c. mouth
2. head in indonesian language is ...
a. kepala
b. perut
c. pipi
3. kita punya dua tangan
the english sentences is ...
a. we have two hand
b. we have two leg
c. we have two ear
4. this is my father
the indonesian language is ...
a. ini adalah ibuku
b. ini adalah kakakku
c. ini adalah ayahku
5. we have two ear
the indonesian language is ....
a. kita punya dua mata
b. kita punya dua kaki
c. kita punya dua telinga
2. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 (Dua) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 15
Jumlah Soal Uraian : -
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. do – like – black – you - ?
The correct order is ...
a. Do you black like?
b. Do like you black?
c. Do you like black?
2. Dua puluh in English is ....
a. Twelve
b. Two
c. Twenty
3. Twelve in Indonesian is ....
a. Sebelas
b. Dua belas
c. Tiga belas

Jeni : “What number is it?”
Ahmad : “Is it number ....”
a. Twenty one
b. Twenty six
c. Twenty three
5. What number before twenty nine?
a. Twenty six
b. Twenty seven
c. Twenty eight
3. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 (Tiga) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. t – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n
The correct word is ....
a. Twenty two
b. Thirty one
c. Twenty one
d. Thirty nine
2. What number is it after forty six ?
a. Forty nine
b. Forty eight
c. Forty seven
d. Forty five
3. Forty nine in Indonesian is
a. Empat sembiilan
b. Empat puluh delapan
c. Sembilan belas
d. Empat puluh sembilan

What number is it?
a. Twenty eight
b. Eighty two
c. Two Eight
d. Twenty nine
5. Ini adalah angka dua puluh tujuh
The english sentence is ....
a. This is number seventeen
d. This is number seventy
c. This is number twenty six
d. This is number twenty seven
4. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 (Empat) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. What colour is this book?
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Apakah warna buku ini?
b. Warna apakah buku itu?
c. Apakah buku ini punya warna?
d. Warna buku ini sangat indah?
2. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ....
a. Tuesday
b. Friday
c. Holyday
d. Monday
3. I) Blue in Indonesian is biru
II) Yellow in Indonesian is putih
III) Putih in English is white
IV) Hitam in English is purple
The correct statements above is number ....
a. I and II
b. I and IV
c. II and IV
d. I and III
4. We celebrate the independent day on ....
a. November 10th
b. August 17th
c. May 1st
d. April 21th
5. Yesterday was friday, today is ....
a. Sunday
b. Saturday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday
5. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 (Lima) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Sumber http://www.bimbelbrilian.com/
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Uraian : -
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. we walk using ... (kaki)
a. foot
b. hand
2. head in indonesian language is ...
a. kepala
b. perut
c. pipi
the english sentences is ...
a. we have two hand
b. we have two leg
c. we have two ear
4. this is my father
the indonesian language is ...
a. ini adalah ibuku
b. ini adalah kakakku
c. ini adalah ayahku
the indonesian language is ....
a. kita punya dua mata
b. kita punya dua kaki
c. kita punya dua telinga
2. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 (Dua) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 15
Jumlah Soal Uraian : -
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. do – like – black – you - ?
The correct order is ...
a. Do you black like?
b. Do like you black?
c. Do you like black?
2. Dua puluh in English is ....
a. Twelve
b. Two
c. Twenty
a. Sebelas
b. Dua belas
c. Tiga belas

Jeni : “What number is it?”
Ahmad : “Is it number ....”
a. Twenty one
b. Twenty six
c. Twenty three
a. Twenty six
b. Twenty seven
c. Twenty eight
3. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 (Tiga) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. t – e – n – o – w – t – y – e – n
The correct word is ....
a. Twenty two
b. Thirty one
c. Twenty one
d. Thirty nine
2. What number is it after forty six ?
a. Forty nine
b. Forty eight
c. Forty seven
d. Forty five
a. Empat sembiilan
b. Empat puluh delapan
c. Sembilan belas
d. Empat puluh sembilan

What number is it?
a. Twenty eight
b. Eighty two
c. Two Eight
d. Twenty nine
The english sentence is ....
a. This is number seventeen
d. This is number seventy
c. This is number twenty six
d. This is number twenty seven
4. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 (Empat) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. What colour is this book?
The Indonesian sentence is ....
a. Apakah warna buku ini?
b. Warna apakah buku itu?
c. Apakah buku ini punya warna?
d. Warna buku ini sangat indah?
2. Today is sunday, tomorrow will be ....
a. Tuesday
b. Friday
c. Holyday
d. Monday
II) Yellow in Indonesian is putih
III) Putih in English is white
IV) Hitam in English is purple
The correct statements above is number ....
a. I and II
b. I and IV
c. II and IV
d. I and III
4. We celebrate the independent day on ....
a. November 10th
b. August 17th
c. May 1st
d. April 21th
a. Sunday
b. Saturday
c. Wednesday
d. Thursday
5. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 5 (Lima) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

Dinda : “What do you wear?”
Jaya : “ I wear a ....”
a. Shorts
b. Raincoat
c. Swimsuit
d. T-Shirt
2. many - clothes - Maya – has
The correct order is ....
a. Many has Maya clothes
b. Has Maya many Clothes
c. Maya has many clothes
d. Clothes Maya has many
3. This is a trousers
The Indonesian sentece is ....
a. Ini adalah celana pendek
b. Ini adalah rok pendek
c. Ini adalah celana panjang
d. Ini adalah rok panjang
4. Ini adalah sebuah rompi
The English sentece is ....
a. This is a coat
b. This is a ves
c. This is a shorts
d. This is a skirt
5. It is raining today. Mr. Bayu wears .... when he goes to office.
a. Swimsuit
b. Tracksuit
c. Pajamas
d. Raincoat
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :

Dinda : “What do you wear?”
Jaya : “ I wear a ....”
a. Shorts
b. Raincoat
c. Swimsuit
d. T-Shirt
2. many - clothes - Maya – has
The correct order is ....
a. Many has Maya clothes
b. Has Maya many Clothes
c. Maya has many clothes
d. Clothes Maya has many
The Indonesian sentece is ....
a. Ini adalah celana pendek
b. Ini adalah rok pendek
c. Ini adalah celana panjang
d. Ini adalah rok panjang
4. Ini adalah sebuah rompi
The English sentece is ....
a. This is a coat
b. This is a ves
c. This is a shorts
d. This is a skirt
a. Swimsuit
b. Tracksuit
c. Pajamas
d. Raincoat
6. Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 (Enam) SD Semester 1 (Ganjil) dan Kunci Jawaban
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. it is a quarter to five
The time in numbers is ....
a. 05.15
b. 04.45
c. 04.15
d. 06.45
2. time – does – he – what – dinner - ?
The correct order is ....
a. What time he does dinner?
b. What time dinner he does?
c. What he time dinner does?
d. What time does he dinner?

Dina : “What time does she go to bed?”
Ayuk : “ She goes to bed at ...... “
a. A half to six
b. A half past six
c. A half past nine
d. A half past ten
4. Deni plays from 07.00 to 10.00
Deni plays for ....
a. Seven hours
b. Ten hours
c. Three hours
d. Seventeen hours
5. Pukul sepuluh lebih dua puluh menit
The English sentence is ....
a. It is twenty past ten
b. It is tweenty to ten
c. It is ten past twenty
d. It is ten to twenty
Keterangan Soal :
Jumlah Soal Pilihan Ganda : 25
Jumlah Soal Isian Singkat : 10
Jumlah Soal Uraian : 5
Contoh-contoh soal di dalamnya :
1. it is a quarter to five
The time in numbers is ....
a. 05.15
b. 04.45
c. 04.15
d. 06.45
2. time – does – he – what – dinner - ?
The correct order is ....
a. What time he does dinner?
b. What time dinner he does?
c. What he time dinner does?
d. What time does he dinner?

Dina : “What time does she go to bed?”
Ayuk : “ She goes to bed at ...... “
a. A half to six
b. A half past six
c. A half past nine
d. A half past ten
4. Deni plays from 07.00 to 10.00
Deni plays for ....
a. Seven hours
b. Ten hours
c. Three hours
d. Seventeen hours
The English sentence is ....
a. It is twenty past ten
b. It is tweenty to ten
c. It is ten past twenty
d. It is ten to twenty
Sumber http://www.bimbelbrilian.com/
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