Soal Conversation, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris SMP

Conversation adalah percakapan atau dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh beberapa orang dalam situasi atau topik tertentu. Belajar conversation sangat penting untuk memperlancar speaking. Hal ini dapat membantu kita ketika bercakap-cakap langsung dengan orang asing.

Belajar conversation sama pentingnya dengan belajar grammar. Jangan takut salah ketika berbicara dengan orang asing. Walaupun grammar kita salah, perkataan kita kadang masih bisa dipahami. Namun jika salah melafalkan atau pembicaraan kita malah keluar dari topik, bisa jadi orang yang kita ajak bicara akan bingung. Itulah pentingnya belajar conversation.

Ada banyak cara yang bisa kita lakukan dalam mempelajari conversation misalnya dengan berdialog langsung bersama teman-teman. Agar percakapan kalian nyambung dengan topik pembicaraan, tentunya kalian harus mengetahui apa yang dibicarakan. Oleh karena itu, di sini admin ingin mengajak kalian semua untuk belajar conversation dengan cara mengerjakan soal online. Soal conversation seperti ini biasanya diajarkan di tingkat SMP Kelas 7, 8, dan 9.


Conversation adalah percakapan atau dialog dalam bahasa Inggris yang dilakukan oleh bebera Soal Conversation, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris SMP

Soal Online "Conversation tingkat SMP"
Petunjuk: klik lingkaran yang ada di depan jawaban yang benar. Poin untuk satu soal adalah 5

1. Anita :"Hello, I'am Anita."
   Jihan :" Hi, I'am Jihan."
   Anita : "............"
  Jihan : "I live on Jl. Semeru 15."
How do you do?
Where are you?
Where do you live?
How are you?

2. Teacher :"You're late again Mona."
   Mona :" ..........................."
I'm extremely sorry, Sir
I know it
That's fine
I beg your pardon?

3. Bayu :"............................"
   Rangga :" Never mind."
I don't think that's good
Do you mind passing the sugar for me?
Where do you live?
Come here!

4. Selina : " What would you like to have, Mela?"
    Mela : " .........................."
I need new glasses
I want to go abroad
I'd love to
I'd like to have same tea

5. Dodi : " ..............................."
    Reza : " I'm sorry to hear that"
I won a big prize
My father is sick
I'm happy today
The thief was caught last night

6. Kevin : " Can I use your car, Dad?"
    Father: " ....... you still a boy"
I'm afraid you can't
Don't do that
Never mind
I don't know

7. Vero : " What do you think about Nora? Is she coming tonight?"
    Nina : " I don't think she will come"
From the above dialogue, we know that ....
Vero feels sure that Nora will come
Vero feels uncertain that Nora will come
Vero doesn't like Nora
Vero tries to think about Nora

8. Alice : " How shall we go to the cinema?"
    Jane: " By car"
    Alice : " Can you drive?"
    Jane : " Sure"
The underlined sentence is used to ask someone's .... to do something.

9. Nando : " Could you turn off the TV, please?"
    Zaki : " ....................."
No, thanks
Yes, I could
Yes, sure
Yes, please

10. Hasan : " .... coffee?"
    Husni : " Yes, please, thank you"
Will you like
Do you like
What do you like
Would you like

11. Joko : " We would invite you for dinner this weekend."
    Winarno : " ........................"
sorry, I don't like
No, it is a bad programme
I'm not interested
I'd love to, but I'll be busy

12. Winda : " .... to join the conversation club?"
      Virna: " I'd love to. Thank you?"
Could you
Won't you
Can you
Would you like

13. Father: " Have you passed your final exam?"
    Farhan : " No, Dad ! I failed my exam"
    Father: " That's bad luck .... I except you'll pass it next time?"
    Farhan : " Thank you, Dad"
Good luck
Never mind
Well done
I'm glad to hear that

14. Teacher : "I didn't see Andi yesterday."
      Student: ".... that he was sick"
I'm possible
It's possible
Are you sure
You are sure

15. Romi :"I've been waiting for my friend for an hour."
      Gandi :" .... forgotten to come."
He never come late
I'm sure he remembers
You are sure he has
I'm sure he has

16. Alda :" You passed your exams very well."
     Elma :" .... ! I tought I'd fail."
That's a surprise
Bad news, you know
Well done
Oh, how bad

17. Waiter :" What can I do for you?"
     Guest :" ........................."
     Waiter : "Yes, certainly."
Can I see the menu, please?
Would you like the menu
May I get the menu
Will you write the menu

18. Sales girl :" Can I help you?"
     Susi :" Yes, .... some handkerchiefs, please?"
     Sales girl :" Yes, of course. Here you are."
May I borrow
Could I show you
Would you mind helping me
Could you show me

19.Nindia :" Is this your ruler Resti?"
     Resti :" No, it isn't. That one is mine."
     Nindia :".... it?"
     Resti :" Certainly."
Can I lend
Must I borrow
May I borrow
Will you borrow

20. Ariel : "What about hotel?"
     Reino: " Don't worry. There'll be enough room for the guest."
    Luna :" .... because it's public holiday."
I think so
What a nice day
I'm pleased with it
I'm doubtful about that

Bagaimana kuisnya? Asik kan? Sudah dapat skor 100 belum? Kalau belum, silahkan   COBA LAGI

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Itulah Soal Conversation, Soal Online Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 7, 8, 9.  Semoga bermanfaat untuk kita semua.


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